--- GAME INFO --- Prince of Persia (SNES US Version) Benjamin 'UraniumAnchor' Cutler Training Level IL Table February 16, 2011 --- COMMENTS --- I've been meaning to do these for a while. At 2:30 in the morning on a school night, I decided to just go ahead and bang these out. An hour and fifteen minutes later I was finished. It wouldn't surprise me if the last stage could be improved with ridiculous guard manipulation but fuck that, leave that for the TAS people. This is probably the silliest set of runs I'll do in the foreseeable future. Level 1: My fingers hurt. :( Level 2: This one actually took some effort. But not much. Level 3: TP TP TP TP FWOO! Level 4: ♫ I'm walking on snap traps, whooooaaaa! ♫ Level 5: Sorry, I'm too busy to fight you guys. --- TIMING NOTES --- Level 1: Frame 2-1613 (26.88 seconds, rounded down to 26) Level 2: Frame 16-2880 (47.78 seconds, rounded down to 47) Level 3: Frame 3-1797 (29.93 seconds, rounded down to 29) Level 4: Frame 14-1513 (25.01 seconds) Level 5: Frame 2-3400 (56.69 seconds, rounded down to 56)